Index to 2014


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Munda Biddi  pre/post trip notes
One of the leading long distance trail rides in the world, and deservingly so.  Here I discuss some of the planning methods and issues I had.
Day 1 - Albany to Denmark
An easy ride along a mixture of sealed, unsealed road and track. Pleasant coastal scenery and open forest.
A mixture of beach swimming, winery and cheese and hard work experience on corrugated dirt road and single track.
We learn about pea gravel dirt roads and sandy roads. Very high quality campsites, something we had at all camp locations.
Loved this section, we get some great rides on undulating forest trails, visit the Valley of the Giants - tingle forest and swim in the Frankland river.
A day of incident with Jon falling over, my rack falling apart and losing my speedo. Carnaby cockatoos, emu and snakes. Visit the Swarbrick recreation site and Mount Frankland. 
A bent derailleur, lots of single track through the karri forest. The Boorarah fire tree.
Blackberries, rail trestle bridge and the famous 72m Gloucester fire tree. Once again I am thwarted in my attempt to climb it, but one of us does.
After riding seven days, it was time to take a day off. We stay in nice accommodation, rest, service the bikes, taste the beer, wine and consume marron in Pemberton.
It is raining when we leave Pemberton and doesn't stop until we get to Quinninup for lunch. We overnight in civilisation once again.
From Manjinup we are travelling to an interesting defunct logging town, Donnelly Mill. Now a group camp for schools and functions. Filled with kangaroos and emus.
We go via the Timberline trail instead of the Sidings track. Enjoy and swim in the workers pool. Timber industry relics. A nice day trip would be to go to Nannup and ride a circuit going up the Sidings rail trail and back along the Timberline trail.
The dreaded Vernon road shakes us all up. Remnants of the rail on Sidings rail trail and Banksia forests.
Heart of fruit growing country, feast on the fruit. Nice coffee in Boyanup. A celebratory wine for our penultimate day on the Munda Biddi track.
The final leg of my trip on the Munda Biddi bike trail. Honeymoon pool, burnt forest regrowth near Collie.
Nice roller coaster ride to Bunbury on the bitumen.  Coastal beach scene in Bunbury, Strip the treads on the pedal crank arm. Lovely cycle paths in Perth along the Swan river.
