Munda Biddi - Northcliffe to Pemberton

- Distance travelled = 48 km
- Temperature 13 to 28. Humid at times. No rain until the evening and fairly calm.
- refer to map 6 Munda Biddi trail map Manjinup to Northcliffe.

A lot of the trails were reclaimed from timber rails so were relatively flat and straight. The sleepers were left behind created a mild wave of rhythmic motions transmitted through the bike as we rode. There was evidence of logging, with the remnants of platforms built to assist loading the logs onto the rail carts .
In the seemingly endless grey-brown and grey-green there is plenty of variety
to be found, Take for instance the fungi. Fungi small and large from
white to bright orange, growing out of fallen logs and through the leaf
litter. Care to look and see there is plenty to keep one interested.
The ride up to Pemberton was a lot of fun. It was comprised of a lot of
switchbacks, which on first glance at the map was rather intimidating. The
designers of the track did very well by combining the rises with some hills to
allow you to accelerate to the next rise. I was switching quickly between high
and low range on the front sprockets and went up very quickly. Lots of fun,
pouring with sweat at the top.
At the top of this trail was the famous Gloucester fire tree. I promptly had
to climb it, and got a 1/3 of the way when I decided to come down. Not because
of fear (though it's intimidating rising 72 metres), but because my hands and
body were dripping with sweat. I thought it was not safe to carry on
until I dried out a bit.
About 1/2 an hour later, Nev decided she would have a go and went all the way
to the top. Due to the lateness of the hour, we unfortunately had to leave, so
I decided to come back tomorrow to give it another go.

There were lots of beautiful, tame parrots at the park, they will climb on hands and shoulders with encouragement, though it's frowned upon for people to feed them. The green ones called the twenty-eight parrot (Australian Ringneck) and the red one is the Western Rosella.
Tonight we had a baked dinner with lamb roast, roast vegetables, cheese sauce and gravy and some nice wine to wash it down.
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- Prev: Fernhook to Northcliffe
- Next: Pemberton
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